Catalog Printing

Amxon offer the widest range of catalog printing options. For over 10 years Amxon has delivered catalog printing jobs for all industries across New York and Nationwide.
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Catalog Printing NYC

We have two types of color catalog printing — short-run catalogs for small-quantity requirements and bulk catalogs for large-quantity orders which are perfect for small to medium-sized businesses.

With bulk catalog printing, every catalog would be consistent in quality, whether they’re gift catalogs, clothing catalogs, or whatever kind they may be. Our short-run printing is great for personal use as the order quantity ranges between 25 to 150 pieces.

You can choose among the specs and catalog sizes we offer. Here are the most commonly used catalog sizes:

  • 5.5″x8.5″ – Tall, slim-sized catalogs. Best used for describing a few products with enough space for short descriptions. Perfect examples are for watches and jewelry catalogs.
  • 6″x6″ to 6″x9″ – Square or rectangular-shaped catalogs. Great for describing low-volume products/services with minimal features.
  • 8.5″x11″ to 9″x12″ – Most common catalog size. Best for featuring clothing and apparel.
  • 12″x12″ – Biggest standard size for catalogs to showcase a large number of products/services. They’re able to show more information (e.g. department store catalogs, supermarket catalogs)