Flyer Printing

Give your customers all the details they need to know with flyers. For over 10 years Amxon has delivered flyer printing jobs for all industries across New York and Nationwide.

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Flyer Printing

A marketing staple customized for your brand

  • Your choice of flyer shapes and sizes
  • Create your artwork in minutes with our easy design tool
  • Select from a variety of gloss, matte, and uncoated paper

Increase Brand Awareness With Custom Flyers for Your Business

Hand out flyers you’ll be proud to show off and customers will want to read. Choose from professionally made business flyers, die-cut flyers in different shapes to special prints in metallic or silk.

Here’s how you can customize a flyer based on your brand’s message and design:

Indicate the right size or select custom dimensions.

Choose a flat, unfolded size that will provide enough space for your image and the corresponding text. Some of the popular sizes are:

  • 8.5” x 11” is the standard letter size. Provides enough space for images, graphics, and lengthier text.
  • 5.5” x 8.5” is easy to hand out, store, and keep.
  • 5” x 7” is about half the size of a letter. It’s easy to carry around and for people to keep on the go.
  • 4” x 6” is a smaller and more compact size. Another alternative to this dimension is the 4.25” x 5.5”.

Custom Flyer Printing

No problem! Just because leaflets and brochures have standard sizes does not mean that yours should have standard sizes.

Perhaps you need a tall, narrow brochure because you’ll be distributing it as a bookmark between the pages of your latest novel, or a rather elegant brochure that will be tied like a small scroll in a cup. Or maybe you don’t need a custom size, but a slightly different material from your typical paper variants (like a waterproof brochure showing all the sights a guest can expect on a whale’s adventure, or a pamphlet shining under the black light of an ad drinking special drinks on a raging night in your club).

You’ll pay a little more to get what you need, but an investment in the perfect print product for your brand will pay off… …if your brand demands it. Sometimes it’s easy – for example, if you’re just sewing pamphlets for a garage sale around town and plan to tear them down in 72 hours. But when you design something that will have a greater impact or a longer life, the size and material you choose is as important to your brand as the design elements such as your font and color palette.

If traditional sizes make your project look like it’s in a box, then stand up and go with something that fits your brand. Litlast pamphlet design.
When you decide you need something atypical, you need to budget for anything that comes with deviations, such as envelopes made to fit more than the average size of your flyer, or a flyer in a strange way.

You also need to make sure you work with a designer with experience in creating unique designs, because the size and shape of the finished product must be taken into account from the first sketch. Trying to scale or reformat a design made for a standard size page or brochure may leave you with a final product that feels shaky or does not achieve the effect you are looking for because the proportions and the size hierarchy are all wrong.